Circumcision Care

After the circumcision, I will place Vaseline on a sterile gauze pad over the penis. After the ceremony I will inspect the site and monitor for any residual bleeding. The gauze may be removed at that time. Afterward, apply Vaseline to the area with each diaper change. You may use gauze, spread it over the diaper, or apply directly on the penis. Continue this until the site has healed completely, usually within a week. The baby should only receive sponge baths during this time. During this time, you may see some white or yellow patches or dried crusted blood; this is normal and you should not attempt to wipe them off. You should be able to see the entire head of the penis. If you see any skin covering the head of the penis, gently push it back down over the edge with sterile gauze or a wet Q-tip until the entire groove just below the head of the penis is visible.  If you see anything abnormal, such as increasing redness, swelling, tenderness, fever, pus or bad smell, or have any concerns at all, do not hesitate to call me or your pediatrician.
